We might not return from this voyage. None of us. We might all lay down our lives when we reach the end, and not ever know whether our sacrifice changed anything for the better.”“ It will be for the better, ” Magiano replies. “We cannot just die, not without trying. Not without fighting.”“ Do you really believe that?” I ask. “Why are we doing this, anyway? To preserve my own life, and yours–but what has the world ever done for us in order to deserve our sacrifice?” Magiano’s brows furrow for a moment, then he leans in closer. “We exist because this world exists. It’s a responsibility of ours, whether or not anyone will remember it.” He nods at me. “And they will. Because we will return and make sure of it. . Marie Lu
About This Quote

Anyone who has ever traveled the world has had the experience of falling in love with it. When you look at a map of the world, you see endless oceans and thousands of miles of land. But when you travel across it, you find out it is filled with fascinating places that are not on any map. You become different people.

You see things in a different way, because your perspective changes when you are in a new place. Life is much the same way. We are given life because the world exists, but we are responsible for its existence even when there are no people in it.

Life is much more than what we see on the surface. The journey through life changes us, and when we return to our old selves, there will be a better world because we have changed it for the better.

Source: The Midnight Star

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